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Articles published in The Food Magazine

Articles are grouped by year. 

Year: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

The high cost of cheap food

Three major reports in the past two months have pressed the 'panic button' for wildlife threatened by the damaging effects of industrial food production. (27/10/2005)

Milk – with extra oestrogen?

Two-thirds of our milk supply comes from pregnant cows, but we don’t know what that means for our health. Tim Lobstein continues investigating the impact of modern farming on the quality of the food we buy. (27/10/2005)

EC butter scandal continues

In the late 1990s there was some consternation that the European Commission's figures for butter production and consumption were misrepresenting the real situation. (27/10/2005)
Food companies snare children in their webs

Food companies snare children in their webs

Makers of soft drinks, sweets and sugary cereals are designing websites to catch the attention of children barely six or seven years old. (31/07/2005)

And for dessert, madam – a salty sponge, perhaps?

The Food Commission takes a look at processed puddings and finds the manufacturers are keen to boost the flavour with a dose of salt – as much as they put in crisps or bacon! (31/07/2005)

Children encouraged to advertise food to themselves

Advertisers have responded to growing criticism of food advertising by shifting into new marketing methods designed to encourage children to advertise food to themselves. (26/04/2005)
Processed meats are pumped up with water

Processed meats are pumped up with water

It is perfectly legal to sell watered-down food to unsuspecting shoppers, as long as you describe the water as an ingredient in the small print. Ian Tokelove went looking for watery meat, and found the shelves awash. (26/04/2005)

Nutrition labels are designed to confuse

It’s more than 20 years since a senior government committee recommended clear and simple nutrition labelling. We still don’t have it, and the government is proposing yet another voluntary labelling initiative. (31/03/2005)

A new year's revolution?

Editorial from the Food Magazine, published 25th January 2005 (24/01/2005)

Scrambled labels

Despite a tightening of the labelling rules last year, the labels on egg boxes can still leave consumers befuddled. We went shopping and found half-a-dozen, er... eggsamples. (24/01/2005)

Checkouts still failing the junk test

A survey of supermarkets has found Morrisons to be the worst chain for promoting junk food at the checkouts, knocking ASDA out of its long held, unwelcome lead. (24/01/2005)

Plants lose their value

Continuing our look at the impact of modern farming on diet, we report on the loss of nutrients in plant foods. (24/01/2005)

The Food Commission

94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF, UK