Back issues of the Food Magazine
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2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988
Chuck snacks off the checkout. FSA takes steps to cut salt. BBC back-tracks on fast food. Fatty sausages. US trans fat labelling. Krispy Kremes. Nestlé and salt. Children’s books sponsored by junk food. Children & activity. (14/10/2003)
BBC licences children's characters Tweenies to sell junk. Formula milk marketing. Salt advice was diluted. Broadcasting bad health. Children's menus - the best and the worst. Food surveys & obesity. Cadbury's fingers bitten. (14/07/2003)
Low benefits threaten babies' health. 5-a-day logo gets rough ride. Lineker lets children down; Jamie's a star. No such thing as a 'bad food'? Iraqi oil traded for food. Cadbury's uses school sport to increase chocolate consumption. (14/04/2003)
Football sells out to junk food. Cyclamate sweeteners. Junk food firms could face legal suits. Bread, crisps & soup as salty as ever. Socks better labelled than sausages. Agricultural policy restricts fruit and veg production (14/01/2003)