The Food Magazine Issue 64
January/March 2004
Soft drinks - or liquid candy
New Food Magazine research shows that a single drink of Ribena or Lucozade will give you as much sugar as several packets of sweets.
Boots serves up flavoured water for newborns
Never one to miss a marketing opportunity, Boots are now selling flavoured water to babies from four weeks onwards, in direct contravention of expert medical advice.
Dubious science - but who cares?
Nestlé uses poor science to convince mums that its cereals can 'help kids concentrate significantly better'.
Milky Way pretends to be healthy
New sandwich spread sells fat and sugar using 'calcium, magnesium and vitamins'.
Cause obesity? 'Not us' claim food companies
The Food Magazine looks at what food companies have recently been telling the Health Select Committee inquiry into obesity, and contrasts their words with their actions.
Fight fat the fiscal way
Improving public health will take action from all government departments, including health, education, transport, environment, media and sport. The Food Magazine looks at some of the economic measures that could help shape our diets.
Organochlorines and obesity
Researchers are increasingly concerned that environmental contaminants that affect hormone function in humans, including the oestrogen-like activity shown by organochlorines such as DDT, may be increasing our risk of excess body weight.
Food miles
The modern food system is making an increasing contribution to global climate change, and it's not making things any better.
Toddler top puts teeth at risk
How one tiny piece of plastic can pose a serious threat to toddlers' teeth
New GM labels exclude meat and milk
Hard-won tighter labelling requirements for GM foods and animal feeds, scheduled for introduction this April, will leave one glaring loophole: there will be no labelling of meat, milk and eggs produced from animals fed with GM animal feed.