Food Commission press releases
This page provides an archive of press releases from the Food Commission and The Food Magazine, 1998 to 2008. Many of the stories from our independent research and scrutiny of the food industry and its effect on our health and on the environment have made national and sometimes international news headlines.
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Food colourings used in many popular children's foods do cause temper tantrums and disruptive behaviour in up to a quarter of toddlers, according to new government research, revealed today in the Food Magazine (24/10/2002)
Scientists investigating the toxicity of chemicals in irradiated food have challenged Europe's most prestigious advisory committee - the Scientific Committee on Food. (24/10/2002)
The Food Commission welcomes today's ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that claims for the heart-health benefits of Tetley Tea were exaggerated and misleading. (22/10/2002)
The latest generation of breakfast cereals are as sweet and fatty as biscuits or cake, reports The Food Magazine today. (29/07/2002)
GMTV has accepted a million pound sponsorship deal with McDonald's for its cartoon slot on Saturday and Sunday mornings, helping target junk food at 3-8 year-old children, who already eat too much fat, salt and sugar. (09/06/2002)
A Food Commission survey shows that despite EU moves to expand the list of foods that can be irradiated, UK supermarkets continue to bow to public pressure and refuse to stock irradiated products. (22/04/2002)
A Parents Jury will put children's food and food advertising on trial, in a new project launched by the Food Commission, the UK's leading independent watchdog on food. (22/04/2002)
When health charities let their logos appear on food products, they could be doing more for company profits than for public health, according to a new survey by the Food Commission. (22/04/2002)
Advertising authorities are failing to control claims for slimming products, the Food Magazine reveals today, following a survey of website advertising. (06/02/2002)
The Food Commission has called for tougher GM regulation following a government survey found 31 bakery foods out of a sample of 203 to contain genetically modified (GM) soya. (06/02/2002)