Food Commission press releases
This page provides an archive of press releases from the Food Commission and The Food Magazine, 1998 to 2008. Many of the stories from our independent research and scrutiny of the food industry and its effect on our health and on the environment have made national and sometimes international news headlines.
Year: 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
Ministers accept proposed FSA voluntary ban on six suspect food colours
Government Ministers have agreed with the Food Standard Agency's (FSA) proposal for a voluntary ban on six food colourings linked to an increased risk of hyperactivity in children. (11/11/2008)
Campaigners call for KFC and Pizza Hut to follow US lead in calorie labelling
KFC and Pizza Hut have announced they will be giving customers the calorie information they want, but not in the UK. (01/10/2008)
Don’t keep us guessing: Campaigners call for more information on fast food menus
The Food Commission is urging the UK government to make fast food chains display nutrition information on menu boards, next to the name and price of the item. (23/09/2008)Are superbugs spreading on food?
Richard Young argues that over-reliance on antibiotics in farming is also increasing the number of other serious infections in humans which fail to respond to most antibiotics. (10/09/2008)
Warning labels for coloured foods to become EU law
The European Parliament has voted in favour of labelling foods containing the six food colours E110, E104, E122, E129, E102 and E124 with the words 'may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.' (07/07/2008)